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Gas and Gas Pain |
Signs and Symptoms
1. Belching.
2. Flatulence.
3. Abdominal pain of bloating.
What to do now
1. Try Teas made with peppermint, chamomile, or fennel to relieve gas pains.
2. If you need to release gas, release it-even if it means you have to leave the room.
3. If you are suffering from severe gas pains, try lying on your back and pulling your legs up to your chest. It’s easier to expel the gas in this position.
When to call a doctor
1. If you have severe pain that starts close to the navel and moves to the lower-right area of the abdomen; this could be a sign of appendicitis.
2. If you have persistent, unexplained bloating for more than three days.
3. If you have lower abdominal pang that decreses when you pass gas or have a bowel movement; you may have irritable bowel syndrome.
4. If you have frequent gas, are losing weight, and have pale, foul-smelling bowel movements; you could have malabsorption disorder (inability to digest fat).
How to prevent it
1. You can usually avoid excessive gas and gas pains simply by changing your diet. Keep in mind, though, that the high-fiber foods that often cause gas are also those most essential to a healthy diet. Rather than cutting down on fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains try these changes to reduce gas:
2. Buy dry beans rather than canned. Soak them overnight in water, then pour out the water and replace it with fresh water for cooking. Make sure to cook the beans thoroughly.
3. Drink plenty of fluids.
4. Avoid foods and snacks that are sweetened with fructose (fruit sugar) or sorbitol (an artificial sweetener), both of which can increase flatulence.
5. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, and avoid overeating. (Remember that it may take 20 to 30 minutes for a sensation of fullness to set in).
6. Take a walk after meals. Moderate exercise improves digestion and helps move gas through your system more quickly.
7. Avoid carbonated drinks, chewing gum, and drinking through a straw; these can increase the amount of air that gets into your stomach.
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